How To Survive a Bear Attack?
8:59 AM
We totally freaked out and started running as fast as we can. When we later told the story to a park ranger, he told us we were lucky to be alive because the worst thing you can do when you see a bear is run. How to survive a bear attack?
- Bears can run over 30 miles per hour which means in quick calculation: 44 feet per second. Olympic athletes can’t run that fast!
- If the bear does not notice you, make a big detour around the bear.
- If he did see you, turn back and walk slowly – away from the bear.
- That climbing up the tree thing – go ahead. But know that almost all bears can climb as well as you can, if not better.
Bears don’t really want to eat you and many hikers encounter bears and enjoy the amazing experience from a safe distance.
For a safe adventure that is not life threatening visit Limitless Adventures and plan the trip of a lifetime.
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