1. Golf can be expensive so be a smart shopper. Don’t spend 5000 dollars on your first club. Aim for mid range sports manufacturers and begin with a 100 dollar club.
2. Take golf lessons because your mini-golf experience doesn’t count. When you take golf lessons you’ll play with golfers in your skill range and make friends to golf with.
3, 4 and 5. Know your Grip, Posture and Stance. The three essentials of golf. Grip means how you hold the club and the better you grip the better you play. Posture leads to a proper swing and maintaining balance is essential. Having a stable golf stance and footing will help you control the ball and get it where you want it to go.
7. Know Golf Etiquette. It’s the basic golfer’s code that will ensure everybody is having a pleasant time whether they are pros or amateur golfers and you don’t have clubs thrown at your direction by angry golfers.
8. Call Limitless Adventures that provide a technologically-enabled indoor golf teaching facility focused on training people to optimize their golf proficiency in abbreviated time. If Golf vacation is your adventure, visit www.limitlessadventures.com and start working on that swing.
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