How To Pack For A Trip On The Slopes!

It doesn't matter if you are going on a winter ski vacation or a winter snowboarding vacation, there are certain items you should consider taking with you on your trip. These items are not only going to keep you warm and safe, but some of them are necessities when it comes to skiing or snowboarding. First off, be sure to take gear such as skis and snowboards with you. If this seems like too much of a pain you could always call the resort you are going to and ask them if they rent things like this. Usually they will either charge by the hour or by the day, so it might be less expensive for you to just take your own gear.

Second off, be sure that you take safety gear such as energy bars, water, goggles, and most importantly a map. You can either map out your trip and the slopes for your Colorado ski packages before you go, or you can keep a map handy that they will offer at the ski resort. This is SO important. Not only is it going to keep you on the right path and keep you from getting lost, but it's also going to state what slopes are at what levels. This is especially important if you are a beginner - last thing you want to do is go down a slope on accident that is made for a more professional leveled person!

Third off, be sure that you take extra warm clothing items. This is going to include jackets, long johns, long sleeve shirts and pants. Chances are if you wear shorts in this cold of weather while zipping down a hill, you are going to get frostbite! Don't be a hero, be smart about what you choose to take on your trip!
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