8:27 AM
Ajax Union Blogging

Good news fellow skiers! Remember the good old
Colorado Ski Train? Well, the train might be getting back on track for the next ski season.
The latest news tell us that Union Pacific Railroad agreed to let a new owner use the same tracks that take skiers down from Colorado up to the Winter Park resort.
The Ski Train introduced many people to ski during the 50’s and 60’s and flourished during the late 80’s and early 90’s and up until its final run to Winter Park on March 29, 2009.
According to USA Today “Chicago-based Iowa Pacific Holdings, which operates freight and excursion trains in six states including Colorado, wants to take over the service. Iowa Pacific President Ed Ellis says the train would use his company's equipment and Amtrak would provide the crews.”

So if you’re thinking about
Colorado Ski vacation this winter and you wanna get there with the Colorado Ski train,
Limitless Adventures can make it happen!
3:24 PM
Ajax Union Blogging

Did you know that SCUBA actually stands for the very-long-hold-your-breath-word: Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. Scuba diving is not much different than driving – mostly because of the license part. So
how to get a SCUBA certification?
The scuba DMV is called PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) or SSI (Scuba Schools International), and they want you to learn how to dive like a shark – which means safely and correctly. If you don’t have a certificate or a license card issued by the PADI or SSI no one will rent you gear, give you air or let you dive. If they do – I’d check that air if I was you.
So the first thing to do is to contact an approved PADI instructor and schedule some class time. Yes, scuba certificate requires three steps: class, pool training and diving, and you will need to read a manual, study and have a short exam.

The first diving you’ll do won’t have much of underwater scenery to it. It will mainly contain children swimming from afar and maybe you will get lucky and find a quarter at the bottom of the pool. After the fun pool part you can go on and dive supervised in the open.
Limitless Adventures would like to invite you to join us on a customized SCUBA diving adventure. Whether you're a beginner who wants to get certified and complete your first Open Water dive, or you're an advanced diver looking to further your skills, we take care of everything! Check out
www.limitlessadventures.com and explore our best SCUBA destinations: The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Zanzibar in Tanzania (Indian Ocean), Southern California, and many more.
4:24 PM
Ajax Union Blogging

We know you. We know that as soon as that ol’ wind’s a-blowin’ you start to think about one thing and one thing only – your next
Colorado ski vacation.
And we can’t blame you. Winter is just around the corner and this is a perfect time to plan the upcoming ski getaway. But this time, instead of just skiing, how about skiing with the pros?
We’d like to make an offer you can’t refuse, a once in a lifetime opportunity, we’d like to stop with the clichés and give you skiing lessons from former U.S. & Olympic coaching staff. How’s that sound for a start?
You don’t have to be a pro in order to
ski with the pros. Different programs are available for all levels of experience and to fit most budgets. We’ve got level one coaches to former U.S. ski team members and former Olympic coaches and you will be getting the star treatment you’ve been looking for!

For our most serious clients we implement the use of video, which is a great tool used by professional skiers and snowboarders alike!! Your video makes a great keepsake or gift for family and friends
So whether you want to ride the deep powder of the back-country or take a relaxing guided tour of a resort
Limitless Adventures can make it happen!
2:09 PM
Ajax Union Blogging

A few weeks ago we blogged about our recent collaboration with
Striker Golf. Before you head on to that dream golf vacation of yours, we wanted to go over a few
golf tips that can help we become a true golfer.
1. Golf can be expensive so be a smart shopper. Don’t spend 5000 dollars on your first club. Aim for mid range sports manufacturers and begin with a 100 dollar club.
2. Take golf lessons because your mini-golf experience doesn’t count. When you take golf lessons you’ll play with golfers in your skill range and make friends to golf with.
3, 4 and 5. Know your Grip, Posture and Stance. The three essentials of golf. Grip means how you hold the club and the better you grip the better you play. Posture leads to a proper swing and maintaining balance is essential. Having a stable golf stance and footing will help you control the ball and get it where you want it to go.
7. Know Golf Etiquette. It’s the basic golfer’s code that will ensure everybody is having a pleasant time whether they are pros or amateur golfers and you don’t have clubs thrown at your direction by angry golfers.
8. Call Limitless Adventures that provide a technologically-enabled indoor golf teaching facility focused on training people to optimize their golf proficiency in abbreviated time. If
Golf vacation is your adventure, visit
www.limitlessadventures.com and start working on that swing.