I never skied in my life. I never had the chance you see, when you grow up in hot, desert climate, you only ski with your Play Station. I was quite good actually, but I never broke a leg while sitting in my living room, holding a controller in my hand. I hurt my thumb once. But I was reckless; I tried to reach my coke while playing cross country skiing 02’. So I was scared of skiing. I thought to myself that it’s not a big deal – so I won’t ski, who cares. Well, I was wrong about that. My friend, who is a professional skier, dragged me down to Colorado to an experience of a lifetime. If you think “he is a professional! He probably took good care of you” then you are very wrong. The first thing he said to me was “You’re going to fall. It will to hurt and you won’t be able to get up with all the equipment, so get ready to be embarrassed.” Then he pushed me down the hill. He is a great friend. You have no idea how frustrating it was, trying to get myself off the ground a minute after I decided to become a tree hugger and get a close, unfriendly introduction with a pine tree. The bright side was that after a couple of days I actually got the hang of it and even started to enjoy myself.
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